Primary Schools
GVM’s KG and Primary School, Borim

The school consists of classes from Nursery to Standard 4th.
GVM’s KG & Primary School, Bandora

Our school is a training ground for all virtues, that makes a student a good person.
GVM’s KG and Primary School, Khandepar

Understanding the need of Education in this small village of Khandepar in Ponda, the G.V.M. started its school under the name “GVM’s KG and Primary School”
G.V.M’s KG & Primary school, Volvoi Savoi –Verem (English medium)

Classes from KG to std IV
जी.वी.एम प्राथमिक शाळा (मराठी विभाग), व्होल्वोई, सावईवेरे

विद्यार्थ्यांना शैक्षणिक विषयाबरोबरच क्रिडास्पर्धा, स्पर्धा परीक्षा, कथाकथन स्पर्धा, गायन स्पर्धा, चित्रकला स्पर्धा, यासारख्या विविध उपक्रमांमध्ये सहभागी करुन घेतले जाते.
G.V.M’s KG & Primary School, Ponda

GVM’s KG & Primary school (English Medium) is situated in Ponda Goa.
जी.वी.एम प्राथमिक शाळा (मराठी विभाग), फोंडा – गोवा

गोवा विद्याप्रसारक मंडळाच्या पूर्व प्राथमिक व प्राथमिक विद्यालयात आम्ही शिक्षिका मुलांच्या सर्वांगीण विकासाकडे नेहमी लक्ष देतो.
Secondary Schools
GVM’s Rajmata Padmavati Raje Soundhekar High School

To become a preeminent rural school imparting excellent education to economically backward community
GVM’s Krishna Raghunath Shetye Savoicar High School

Respects the individual needs of children; fosters a caring and creative environment;
GVM’s Almeida High School, Ponda – Goa.

For more than hundred years this school is known for its curricular as well as co-curricular achievements.
Matoshri Indirabai Baburao Khandeparker High School

We at M.I.B.K High School, Khandepar provide a joyful learning environment that empowers children
Pragati Vidyalaya

We, at Pragati Vidyalaya, impart education along with co-curricular activities and sports and prepare the students in the art of living and working together.
Utkarsh Vidyamandir

We envision Utkarsh Vidyamandir as an institution that will deliver a well grounded ICSE.